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The Kashmir Pulse TV

Child Labour: Non-local beggars put their children into begging

A non-local woman along with her child who sat outside the mosque is asking worshipers for money in the outskirts of Srinagar.
Every year thousands of beggars from different parts of India come to Kashmir to collect money and feed themselves. These include children, men and women of all ages.

In every nook and corner of the valley, a huge rush of immigrants is seen at numerous public places while begging and asking for money to local people of Kashmir.
A group of non-local children sitting in a line outside the religious shrine; who beg devotees to collect money for their family. 
People of the valley wholeheartedly welcome these guests with open arms and contribute money to them as a charity and some even donate food, clothes and various essential commodities.

Heedlessly, there are not only those beggars who beg after considering the responsibility of feeding their family but ironically the kids of these beggars are seen involved in this detested job. The children of beggars do not go to any school so they along with their elders come on roads and beg.
A bunch of non-local kids asking the devotees for money outside the mosque in the environs of Srinagar. 
However, when I talked to a few of them, they said, “We want to go to school but we don’t have money.”

The tall claims of government of providing free education from the age of 6-14 seem to have fallen flat, as no government official is trying to educate poor children.
Kashmiri local contributes money to the non-local child; who is begging for money outside the mosque in the outskirts of Srinagar.
“We are unable to feed our family due to no monetary sources, so how can we educate our children when we even crave to get food for the day,” narrated a non-local beggar. He further said that no one even from government agencies come forward to educate their future generation.
The non-local women along with their children sat to collect the money from the devotees outside the religious shrine in the peripheries of Srinagar.
Meanwhile, the begging has become an emerging trend among non-locals to collect money and feed themselves and their family.

This trend has affected the career of the children of these non-local beggars who bring these kids along with them on roads and various other public places to collect money without making any efforts.

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